Grupa zamaskowanych żołnierzy, okolice wsi Rudaki. Fot. Bezkres
Tablice rejestracyjne samochodu wojskowego zamazane błotem przez żołnierzy. Fot. Bezkresprzez
Pomoc humanitarna w lesie
KRYNKI, POLAND, 6.10.2022: Activist Piotrek searching the forest near Krynki village by the Belarussian border. He is the member of Grupa Granica, helping the refugees who are often lost in the woods for a long time with no food and warm clothes (Photo by Piotr Malecki)
KRYNKI, POLAND, 6.10.2022: Activists Piotrek and Kaja searching the forest near Krynki village by the Belarussian border. They are the members of Grupa Granica, helping the refugees who are often lost in the woods for a long time with no food and warm clothes (Photo by Piotr Malecki)